And BOOM, you are fucked.

by 8:33 AM 0 comments
All it took was one morning, one second, one action to confuse the hell out of me. What are you? Why do I feel this way this time? The truth is I don't even know what the fuck I am feeling. Is it love? Lust? Hate? 
You want me to be completely honest?  I've never had feelings for anyone. I, always, have been terrified of love. Knowing that it will either save me or cripple me. If there is one thing beautiful in this messed up world, it is love. But oh God, it's horrific at the same time. Loving someone with your entirety , only to have it all taken away within seconds... 
What's the worst part of this? He doesn't care. And I've never imagined myself that I would care. But I did. And it's killing me since. Overthinking will definetely drive me crazy. 
I don't love him, but I'm feeling something.. I do miss him... Sometimes, I just want to go to him, to get drunk , listen to all of our favourite songs and kiss so much that our lips burn.. And for that, I hate myself. 

Schizophrenic Soul


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