You know what I'm sick of? The Kardashians! They go all around playing their diva thing with nothing in their brain. I'm sick of Justin Bieber stories, and all those tiny little fucking celebrities who keep complaining cause their lovers cheated on them. All they keep doing is making us feel like shit cause we don't get to spend our holidays in Dubai or sleep in a Dior dress.
I'm sick of being judged by people even if they don't know me. I'm sick of being told what to do. I'm sick of others trying to give me lessons about life cause for them I suck at being a human. I'm sick of the way people prefer beauty instead of intelligence, making this one just a shitty thing that doesn't count.
I'm sick of this country and its creepy people. I'm sick of all those sexual inappropriate comments I hear everytime I go out just to buy fucking bread, shoutted out by sick twisted perverts. I'm sick of all those looks I receive everytime I give my honest and different opinion.
And you know what? I'm sick of being sick and tired. It just pisses me off the fact that I am not able to express how sick and tired I am.
Be thankful is the only answer they can give me.
Well, nobody will listen anyway.
Schizophrenic Soul
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
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