Broken Hearted and Confused Girl.

by 4:15 PM 0 comments
"Sometimes, I really hate you. Sometimes, I sincerely wish you never existed, you never got into my life, never met me at the point of my existence where I was so desperate to meet someone like you, never held my hand, never looked me in the eyes before to place your irresistibly toxic lips upon mine and kissed me so hard I wished to die in your arms so that I wouldn’t have to live the end of that kiss. But then, just when this uncontrollable hatred starts to boil inside of me, you speak. You don’t just let words float out of your mouth; you speak. You think of the perfectly appropriate thing to say. You leave me speechless at how you saw through me and found exactly what I wanted to hear, then formulate it in a weirdly sexually appealing way.
First, I was fascinated at your ability to do so. But now I just feel stupid every time you do it. It’s the most ridiculous way to get away with whatever load of pain you made me go through. It works, because I am so fucking weak whenever you are anywhere near me. I am too weak to ask you to apologize or shout  how angry I am and how bad I want you to get lost. So, I just let go of how little of common sense I have, and play your game of manipulating pleasure. I accept the torture in return of the little moments of happiness when we’re together." 
If this will last a bit longer, your fingers running through my hair, your breath on my neck, your taste in my mouth, your sensual touch, your sultry hugs will make me suffocate.  

(Taken from "") 

Schizophrenic Soul


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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